What people get wrong about the BOSU

“It’s a stability ball for dummies.”   “No-one ever got strong on a BOSU.”   “It’s only good for skaters and surfers.”   All of these are statements I’ve heard over the years. What they all have in common is that they’re all wrong.   When I was first introduced to the BOSU around 2003,…


Tempo Explained

Simply put, tempo is the timing of each repetition for a given exercise.   After a quick search, I’ve discovered that tempo can apparently be determined by anything from your age to your genetic profile. Obviously, I disagree.   Before I get into the use of tempo specifically, let’s just clear up what tempo can…


How to Diet – A beginners guide

Some people will say that dieting is bad, that it doesn’t teach you anything, or that it contributes to eating disorders. All those things can be true, but only if you do it wrong.   Before I get to the guide though, you need to ask yourself something. Are you the kind of person that…


7 Signs you’re a health and fitness idiot

My first post in over a year and it’s for someone else. Anyway, when my friend and fellow trainer Zack asked me to write a guest post for his company Aegis Training, I tried to think what would be most suitable. Should I write it on training, nutrition, exercise psychology…… Fortunately, inspiration was provided by…


How I Almost Quit the Gym

The following was very kindly written by a former client of mine Joanne Henson, who in the space of two years transformed both physically and mentally. What makes Joanne’s story so interesting, is that, like so many people, there was no lack of effort. Far too often the perception is that we need to work…


Dirty Fitness Secrets you NEED to know

OK, fair warning, I’m pissed.   Not inebriated, but pissed off. I’ve been an exercise and nutrition coach for over 20 years. I’ve studied with some of the top people on the planet, spent tens of thousands of pounds on professional development and forgone all number of diversions or entertainments to be as up-to-date and informed as possible. But….. all of…


7 things that will stop your progress in its tracks

Another guest post written today, this time for Joanne Henson. Dedicated to all those with the desire to improve and better themselves, but are perhaps lacking some key strategies. Joanne is a former client of mine who through hard work and dedication discovered just what is possible with intelligent practices and as a result became a health, fitness…


Why your exercise plan isn’t working

That exercise you’re doing now, or the one you did last night, isn’t working and it isn’t because it’s a bad exercise, you’re just doing it wrong.   Ask any decent strength coach, personal trainer or physical preparation specialist what their pet hate is in a gym and 99% of the time you’ll hear something…


The Salad Myth

There are a number of myths regarding the humble salad. Not only that, but there are an especially large number of misunderstandings and misconceptions regarding this humble meal. Now super quick, before I get into the substance of the article, I want to be perfectly clear: I am NOT saying that salads are bad. What…
